
The Week Ahead SEPT 29 - OCT 5
Posted on 09/27/2024
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Posted on 09/27/2024
Just a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday 9/28) is our WT Athletics Tailgate at the CMU Soccer Field. Our US Boys Soccer Team will play Freedom in a huge 1A game at noon. The US Girls Soccer Team will take on the defending 1A WPIAL Champs (Freedom) at 2:00. There will be a tailgate sponsored by our Advancement Department. Please keep in mind that this is our first game at CMU, and we want to establish a cooperative working relationship with them. They have asked that there be no food and beverage brought inside the fence tomorrow. The game can be viewed outside the fence and there are picnic tables where the food truck will be.
Also, seating is limited, so feel free to bring blankets and/or chairs for the lawn areas.
Go Bears !!!!